Rehabilitation is a common practice before and after most surgeries. There are many rehabilitation considerations for the following surgeries:
- Hysterectomy
- POP repair
- Prostatectomy
- Gender Affirmation Surgery
Treatment considerations can include but not limited to:
- Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) management
- Body mechanics, breathing, and posture techniques
- Soft tissue and scar tissue management
- PFM retraining
- Hormone considerations
- Hormone AIntercourse mechanicsconsiderations
- Pain management
- Psychosocial considerations
- Bladder retraining
- Neuromuscular reeducation
- Dilator use
- Lubrication options
- Menopause (peri and post): There are many changes the body goes through during this life change. Pelvic health can be vital in navigating all the beneficial treatment options.
- Infertility (mechanical): Manual techniques geared towards aligning the reproductive organs to optimize fertility.
- Pelvic Congestion Syndrome: Pain potentially due to poor circulation
- Trauma: The body holds stress, anxiety, and trauma in the PFM’s and organs. It is important to have a strong support system while navigating these intertwined physical and psychosocial components.